Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fresh Picked Baby Hat

May 17: This looked like a really simple hat pattern and I mostly wanted to use it for the numbers. I started with the middle size, but quickly ran into problems--with the numbers.

Cast on was 114 stitches and a 2x2 rib was an option. Well, with that cast on, it would be uneven. So I cast on 116 stitches instead and did a 2x2 rib. After I started the stockinette portion, I decreased back down to 114 stitches.

As for the decreases, I’m not there yet, but the numbers don’t add up there either. So instead, I’ll start with a K4k2tog decrease, then go to K3K2tog, and so on. Looking at the numbers, that should work okay.

May 18: Okay, so apparently I read the pattern wrong. (Honestly, I think it’s a poorly written pattern.) The decrease as written: “On your next row, knit 3 stitches, knit two stitches together, continue with all stitches on needle.” I originally read that as continue doing K3, k2tog along the needle, but the more I looked at the pictures, I realized that the decreases weren’t happening that often. So what it really means is do one decrease and then continue just knitting for the rest of the needle. Once I got that figured out, decreasing was a lot easier, but the ending bit was off count so I just winged it at the very top. I really think that the pattern could have been written more clearly.

I did not include the little bit at the top, just made it a flat (well round) top.

Pattern: Fresh Picked Baby Hat by Leslie Clarkson (free Ravelry download)
Yarn: Malabrigo Silky Merino in Lettuce

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